Various activities will be taking place throughout the morning and afternoon. Please be sure to visit each of the booths to take advantage of all the Safety Fair has to offer.

Families are invited to participate in the Safety Fair's many booths and activities. This year's FREE activities will include the following:
FREE bike helmets and helmet fitting for kids 16 & under
"MILK" Software (Managing Information on Lost Kids, the first step in the Amber Alert process)
Child digital ID's & fingerprint kits, DNA kits
Emergency contact cards
Water safety information
Bike Rodeo; bring your bike, ride the course, and earn a free bike light/reflector for your bike
Helmet decorating
Free bike tune-ups
Hot dogs and snacks provided by the Rotary Club, Central Lions, Kiwanis, & Food Services of America
Life Flight helicopter tours
Ambulance and firetruck tours
Carseat safety check conducted by NHTSA certified technicians