Located in the parking lot of the Eastside Marketplace on South Blaine Street in Moscow, Idaho, just off of the Troy Highway. The Safety Fair will start at 10:00 a.m. and continue until 2:00 p.m. This is an event for the entire family!
Local Resources
Moscow Fire Department
Moscow Police
Moscow Safe Routes to School Program
Pedestrian Safety and Child Injury Prevention
Child Safety Guide

On-line Resources
Bicycle Helmet
SHIELD Stickers
Does your child ride his/her bike to school or around the neighborhood? If so, odds are good that you won't be nearby if a serious accident occurs. By completing the bicycle helmet safety sticker and putting it inside your child's helmet, you are providing emergency medical personnel the vital information they need to locate you and begin emergency treatment. The SHIELD sticker (Safety Helmet Identification and Emergency Lifesaving Data) stores potentially lifesaving information in a child's bicycle or sports helmet.
For more information, please visit http://theshieldprogram.org.
Car Seat
WHALE Stickers
WHALE™ stands for "We Have A Little Emergency." This car seat safety program was developed by Connie Day, a caregiver from Virginia. In the event of an automobile accident that incapacitates the adult driver and passengers, rescue personnel will have a difficult time identifying children riding in car safety seats. In some situations, these adults may not be related to the child passenger; therefore, conventional means of obtaining information will be useless. In these cases, WHALE™ can make a signicant difference.
To read the brochure, visit
Seat/WHALE-English-Brochure.pdf. To get a WHALE Kit, please contact
sherry.jenkins@itd.idaho.gov or (208) 334-4460 at the Idaho Office of Highway Safety.
Medical Information Carrier
The Medical Information Carrier is the preference for many prestigious organizations, rides, and clubs. A few examples include National Safe Kids Chapters, Ride the Rockies, Greater Ohio Bicycle Adventure, Sports Car Club of America, Vintage Grand Prix, and numerous Goldwing and HOG Chapters.
For more information, please visit http://www.idformyhelmet.com.